Friday, February 5, 2016

Become a "Veggie HIIT Adventurers" Groupie

Photo by Sara Chapman used with permission from web site
I am inviting you to join an on-line support group entitled, "Veggie-HIIT Adventurers" which I have created through the on-line program MyFitnessPal.  This commitment will just be a 3-week push. For you, hopefully the three weeks will give you a sense of what this exercise-nutrition (not diet) program is and how it might work for you.
For me, its a chance to refocus, with support from an on-line group.  I don't know about you but at times I find myself stalled out on achieving my goals, and would enjoy your support.  So please consider joining me---for whatever your reason might be, whether it is to benefit from group support and accountability or for another reason.

Here's my proposal:

1) Sign up through MyFitnessPal (no cost).  Its a easy tool to track what we eat and how much we exercise, and its also a social tool so we can support each others' efforts.  Its simple - create a profile, then click on 'Community' then on "Group" then search for Veggie-HIIT Adventurers ... and join that group.

2) Let's commit to start following the principles of the Veggie-HIIT Adventure on Feb 7th and go until Feb 29th.  I provided a quick summary of the principles in the group description if you need an easy reference.

3) Just sign in to MyFitnessPal everyday and record your food intake and your exercise.  I created and entered (HIIT) high intensity interval training workout as a regular exercise.  In addition I entered the system's "aerobics, low-impact"as about half the time I do this type of exercise.  You can create or select your exercise choices.  And, MyFitnessPal provides you with an assessment of your carb intake as well as other nutritional info on the foods you eat, so you don't have to figure out a way to calculate all of that.

4) And let's support each other in seeing how much progress we can make in three weeks.  Maybe these three weeks of support is just what we need to see some initial results and get fully committed to a new course. The cool thing is we can provide affirmations to one another, share ideas, struggles and delicious vegetable recipes.  I will try to answer questions, concerns or comments as my time allows.  But the system allows all of us to become cheerleaders to each other-----and of course the hope is all of us will be more accountable to sticking with the choice to eat healthy, than if we slogged the course alone. We all have heard and likely always knew we need to eat more vegetables for our health------but now is the time for a sustainable lifestyle change!  

Let's Go Veggie HITT Adventurers!  We Can Do This!

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